Today's Workout is a full body workout! We need to get your entire body prepped for the workout! Complete 2x: 
10 Pushups
10 Groiners

:20s Lateral BW Hops
:20s High Knees
:20s SA Suitcase Hold

This is BSP Fitness Challenge Week 1 - Athleticism. Combing body weight movements with loaded movements is a must for a well developed body that can perform well. Notice the type of movements, the plains of movement and the loading. Wherever time is called, you will stop and pick up EXACTLY where you were when we resume.

SPRINT: Start from entrance, run through the middle turf gate, touch the far fence, return the same way.

BOX GET OVERS: Move from one side of the box to the other in any means by moving over it.

AIR RAIDS (NO HIGH KNEES): Burpee with chest to floor, stand up, get over the hurdle, get back over.

SUITCASE CARRY: One hand at a time, must carry 30y before switching hands.

Every movement you complete is 1 point. Athletes are required to push as hard as they can at all times, as we expect of you!
L1: As Is
L2: Add .1 for each successful carry
L3: Add .2 for each 60y carry

3m Intervals - 1m rest - 5 Rounds.
»~150y Sprint
»10 Box Get Overs (24"/24"/24")
»5 Air Raids with NO high knees
»30y LR Suitcase Carry (44/63/80)(26/35/54)

[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vJjLLFbQ6SK8FtK_0kQ0435hXD1kiwhPvNeC9yuHIZM/edit?usp=sharing" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]