2 Tips to Squat Better


Squatting is one of the basic movements that any gym worth their salt teaches. We all know how to Squat – it is the same pattern as sitting down on your couch to watch your current episode of your binge of Netflix!

Tip 1: Keep your Head Neutral.
Some of the old school guys will disagree with me here – “Your chest follows your head so look up to keep it up!”. Very Correct! However, Squatting while straining your head to look up might slip a disc or pinch a nerve! Why risk that when in reality, if you just focus on keeping your head neutral and keeping your lats tight and elbows tucked, does the same effect as ripping your neck off backwards without risking injury?

Tip 2: Get those knees out!
Track your knees over your ring toe! Not only will this save your knees and load your glutes, you will actually feel super comfortable and strong in that bottom position! Your glutes will act as a trampoline and shoot you back up! Don’t widen your feet – keep your feet in your normal stance and as you squat, really force those knees out. Not only will this be comfortable, by doing so you are allowing your pelvis to shoot straight to the floor while allowing you to keep your torso as vertical as possible, reducing lower back stress!