Goals: Strength based with emphasis on a functional bodybuilding and toughness development.

Breakdown: Move the weight quickly. High Weights, Low Reps. Take minimal rest between each set.

Please review the movements below. We will go over in class but it is always a good idea to understand movements early.

Barbell Bench Press

- Squeeze the bar hard with your hands.
- Set up below the J-Cups to avoid hitting the hooks when returning the bar to the top position.
- Bring the bar to your chest, and explode back to the starting position.
- Keep butt on the bench the entire time as well as your feet on the floor.
- Bring the bar towards your nipple line on the descent, and back over your chin as you press.

1 KB Push Press

- Keep your core tight.
- Start with the KB in the Front Rack Position
- Drive with your legs then finish with your shoulder.
- Keep your wrist straight


Video Coming Soon

- Start with the landmine on a box.
- You must lean into the bar slightly when standing erect.
- We are performing a PAUSE in the bottom with this movement.


- Keep your shins vertical and start with the bar 2" from your shin.
- Have a big chest by pulling your shoulder blades back.
- Keep the bar close to your body the entire way up.
- Come down slowly to the ground - no dropping.

Skill Development

Pick 1-2 Skills listed below and progress/perfect/refine/master them.

Hand Stand Pushup :::
Pike Pushup --> Box Pike --> HSPU on Wall with Levels
Bar Muscle Up ::: Pullups/Dips --> Hollow Tight Arch --> Box MU
Ring Muscle Up ::: Pullups/Dips --> Hollow Tight Arch --> Box MU
Peg Board ::: Hangs --> Pullups --> Short Climbs
Pistol Squats ::: Box --> Ring --> Toe --> Heel Wrap --> Plate
L-Sit ::: SL Switches --> Knee Tucks --> Bent Knee
Handstand Walk ::: Coming off wall --> Shoulder Taps --> Kick Ups no back support
Double Unders ::: Practice!
Rope Climb ::: J-Hook --> Short Climb



Goals: Weight Loss Primarily with the secondary being to build muscle.

Breakdown: Move the weight with a constant pace - between sets perform the listed cardio to keep your HR up.

Please review the movements below. We will go over in class but it is always a good idea to understand movements early.

DB Bench Press

- Keep Wrists Straight
- Tuck Elbows as you descend
- Flare elbows as you ascend
- Keep feet on floor and upper back tight

2 KB Overhead Press

- Keep your core tight.
- Start and finish in the front rack position.
- Legs must remain straight.
- Keep your wrists straight.
- Pop your head through the 'window'.

KB Goblet Squat

- Force your Knees out as you sit
-  Keep your heels flat
- Have a big chest
- Get as LOW as you physically can
- Pause for 1s in the bototm


Video Coming Soon

- Pick the weight up like a normal deadlift
-  Kick one leg back and hinge your hips and slightly bend you knee.
- Bring your chest towards the floor while keeping the back of your head in line with your hips.

Weekly Core Circuit

You will have a core circuit each week to pick from. We reccomend this workout for those who attend 3 or more TC per week.



Goals: For those already at their desired weight to lean & tone their muscles up - also great for those who are 'bulking' and want to add size.

Breakdown: Move the weight slowly and with precise control. Lighter weight with high loading volumes.

Please review the movements below. We will go over in class but it is always a good idea to understand movements early.

Barbell Bench Press

- Squeeze the bar hard with your hands.
- Set up below the J-Cups to avoid hitting the hooks when returning the bar to the top position.
- Bring the bar to your chest, and explode back to the starting position.
- Keep butt on the bench the entire time as well as your feet on the floor.
- Bring the bar towards your nipple line on the descent, and back over your chin as you press.

2 KB Overhead Press

- Keep your core tight.
- Start and finish in the front rack position.
- Legs must remain straight.
- Keep your wrists straight.
- Pop your head through the 'window'.

KB Goblet Squat

- Force your Knees out as you sit
-  Keep your heels flat
- Have a big chest
- Get as LOW as you physically can
- Pause for 1s in the bototm

Barbell RDL

- Keep your core tight.
- Pick up the bar as if you were doing a regular deadlift.
- Reach your hips back as far as you can to find a stretch.
- Hold the bottom position for a second.
- Return to standing and squeeze glutes.

Weekly Core Circuit

You will have a core circuit each week to pick from. We reccomend this workout for those who attend 3 or more TC per week.