» Barbell Partner Hamstring Roll
» 40y High Bear Crawl
123 / 321 / 121 / 2311 / 2213 / 3321 / 23131 / 13213 /
123213 (Final - For Time)
1:1 work/rest ratio (on your own) - 20m cap, if you are not done with all of them, rest for the 1:1 ratio and start the final one.
»1: 3 L/R DB Clean and Jerk (20/35/50)(15/25/35)
»2: 3 L/R DB Snatch (20/35/50)(15/25/35)
»3: 3 PB Air Raid
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[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RkQZ2K-MQJRiCHrt6lPskYhTanIb07IOOpT3RTZRvlg/edit?usp=drivesdk" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]