1/5/19 – Ladder

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." Dalai Lama

» :30s Foam Roll IT/Quads
» 5 HAMS
» 1 Practice Round (50%) of below

Ladder - every round more reps are added!
6 Rounds, 3m per round, 1m rest between each

»3(+3) Ab Mats
»10y(+10y) Farmer Carry* (26/53/70)(18/35/44)
»3(+3) WallBall Hold Jump Squats (14/20/30)(10/14/20)
*If you drop the Farmer, start it back over.

[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LvgHzNhVzGEJPK-k-yOkunKp7X3K5aUseQ6IxpfiJEE/edit?usp=drivesdk" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]