Dec 26,27

High School
Conditioning - See COTD
Main Work
1A. 5x5 Barbell Bench
1B. 5x10 Ring Row

2A.50 V-Ups

2B.50 Band Hammer Curls
2C.75 DB OH Extensions

Main Work
1A. 5x5 TBDL
1B. 5x5 GHD

2A.50 MB Russian Twists
2B. 50 KB Swings

Middle School Tuesday
»Conditioning First! Alone, you must do any order:
»» 15 Cals on bike
»» 50 Pushups
»» 50 Squats
»» 50 Situps
»» 50 Starjacks
»Strength/Agility Circuit 
»» D/B Heavy Medball Carry
»» 10-20 Straight Arm Ring Knee Tucks
»» 3 LR MB Get Up (NO ARMS)
»» 10 LR Balance SLDL
»» 10 Plyo Pushup or Walk Up to 12"
»» 15 V-Situps

Mon/Wed 730p Soccer

PB Lat Hurdle, Thruster, Cone Run Around
3x5 TBDL// 3x5-10 Pullup
3x10 RFESS with KB // 3x:10 LR Quick Switch Fast Rot Pass