How to: [Double Arm] Farmer, Front Rack, Overhead Carry

Carries! One of the 5(ish) critcal movements that all strength and functional coaches program regularly.

We want to focus on a few things during our double carries.

  1. Maintain Posture!
    1. Basically – keep your chest big, shoulders backish (don’t squeeze the blades). Have a proud chest.
  2. Don’t lean!
    1. If leaning away from kettlebell – correct to be straight. If you can’t, it might be too heavy.
    2. If leaning torwards the kettlebell – correct to be straight. If you can’t, again – it might be too heavy.
  3. Keep your ribcage down!
    1. This is a simple que to help prevent leans. Hold your abs if you are having a hard time.

– Do NOT let the kettlebells touch your side. If you cannot walk without maintaining proper posture, its too heavy. Ditch the Ego. You will, however, be suprised how heavy you can go.

– Keep your hand with the bell about neck deep on your chest. With two kettlebells, it is okay to use one hand to grab the other to to press the bell handles together. Be sure to NOT lean back – pull that ribcage down towards your hips!

– Almost everyone will either have poor wrist control OR a pelvic tilt. Punch to the sky to keep that wrist control // Control the pelivic tilt but pulling your ribcage down under you into your hips – if you can’t do this, try a lower weight first.