How to: Toes to Bar and Progressions

Toes to Bars – they do suck. But they are great at developing a strong core and really hammer your Lats! The grip part sucks – we will go over that briefly at the end.

We need a few things to happen for Toes to Bar or Knees to Chest to Happen.

  1. Active Shoulders 
    1. Keep your head out of your shell.
  2. Tight Lats
    1. Think about pulling the bar towards the ground at all times.
  3. To make room for you knees to come straight up
    1. Your head and body must move behind the bar, all due to #2.

The part that people forget about the most is to keep tight AFTER they touch their Toes or their Chest – they think ‘Rep done, I can relax’ — Wrong! You must stay tight and active at all times. This is a fairly aggressive movement!

Progressions (Easiest to Hardest)

  • Laying down Knees to Chest
  • Hanging Leg Raises (Bring knees to parallel)
  • Knees to Chest
  • Knees to Elbows
  • Toes to Bar

Your hands! Take care of them!
This movement is very well known for ripping you a new one – take care of your hands!

  • Use gymnastic grips or gloves when doing reps. We do offer a limited amount of pairs at the gym for you to use.
  • Use LIGHT chalk – more chalk actually can lead to tearing.
  • If you feel a tear coming on, stop and modify or grab grips. That will ruin your next 7 days to repair.
  • If you have calluses, make sure you keep an eye on them and keep them under control.
  • Excessive swinging will do this as well – if you can perfect your rhythm it isn’t too bad!