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Hi All! Little bit of an update regarding warm-ups (for all classes) and Training Camp Schemes.
Side note: OKTOBURRFEST shirts are in – the burpee shirts are coming in early next week. If you ordered either one, please pay me asap if you haven’t already! Thanks!
RE: Warmups
We are going to be doing 3 day cycles as of today on warming-up. On the first day we will have a video guide available by the end of the day (10pm) for you to review incase you want to get a heads up or refresher. Usually these warm-ups will be working on problem movements, patterns or mini-conditioning workouts. It isn’t much different then we have been doing!
Today (10/4), Friday and Saturday we will be hammering the Turkish Get-Up! And FYI – we do have a leader board achievement slot for the TGU – practice of the 3 days and give it a shot!
RE: Programs
Not many people know, but we have a growing database of programs. What is a program? It is either learning how to do skills (Pullups, Double Unders, Pistols, Climb a rope, etc) or working on mobility/weaknesses you might have you wish to make better.
–> You can view the programs by logging in, pressing Programs.
This is free to all members. You can stay a few minutes late to work on one, come in early, on the weekends or if a member of our Training Camp, let it actually replace our Assistance work for the day.
Working on skills are how you get better at them faster, FYI! I am currently working on my Strict Ring Muscle Ups 3x per week, hopefully next week I will have one!
RE: Training Camp SchemesAs we move into another cycle, we have to keep things interesting and progressing forward!
–> You can view the new movements by logging in, pressing ‘TC Hub’ then under the tabs looking for “Main Movements”
Strength: We will be doing + Sets at the end of your third set – do as many GOOD reps as you can, leaving 1 or 2 in the tank.
Weight loss: You will be doing the same as Strength, with the added Cardio between sets.
Hypertrophy: You will be doing Joker Sets after your three main sets – you will repeat your first set weight for AMRAP reps, up to 20.
Power: You will be doing sets of 2-3 reps and explosive work between sets.
You must also find your Training Max the first Week!
A training max is an ‘easy’ 1 Rep. You will be doing 1 rep at a time (after the initial 3×5) until you find a weight you could probably lift 3-5x. You should NOT need a spot for these. We will be working off these numbers. Leave the ego at the door.
How to find a Training Max
WE are not maxing out – we are finding a weight we could do for 3-5 reps but only doing 1 rep. Example:
5×100 (20x possible)
5×120 (12x possible)
5×140 (8x possible)
1×160 (6x possible)
1×180 (5x possible — TRAINING MAX)