Member Highlight: Su Seale!

We want to take a moment and highlight a member every two weeks who pushes as best as they can at the gym, leads a positive life to those around them, and to those who always go the extra mile.

She was elected for coming to 1-2 classes per day Mon-Sat and being a general bad ass! I’ve seen her deadlift 200 pounds, she almost has pullups down and keeps up with all the young whippersnappers! For Halloween, she needs to be SUperwoman! Keep at it Su!

1. What got you interested in fitness?
I retired two years ago and started with Joey the very next day because I wanted to be fit enough to enjoy this time.  I had this terrible vision that I would not be able to carry my own luggage or get off the tour bus 🙂 because I was out of shape.  So, what got me interested in fitness?  Fear!!!

2. How do you find/make time to get your workouts in?
My morning schedule has not changed except I now go to the gym versus work, the gym is now my new job.  I’m finished by 9:00 AM just as the rest of the family is getting ready for the day so it works out perfectly.

3. Do you have a/any tip(s) for newer people who are just getting into workouts?
Don’t get discouraged if your progress is slower than you’d like; just trust that Joey will get you there!  And don’t judge yourself by what others do; set small goals and celebrate your accomplishments.

4. What is your current workout routine?
So that’s a bit crazy, remember, this is my job now and I’m getting old, so not in my right mind!.  TC – M, W, F; KB/Boxing – Tu, Th, Sat; Bootcamp – Tu, Th; SMS – Sat.  Basically six days – yikes!

5. What is your favorite part of fitness? Your least favorite?
Favorite: Definitely the feeling you get after a good, hard workout along with increased stamina and strength.
Least favorite: running – bad knees, nuf’ said!

6. What is your next/current fitness goal?
Strict pullups and HSPU (OK, this might be a longer range goal)

7. How has Burr Strength and Performance helped you on your fitness Journey?
I’m definitely stronger and have more stamina.  And as an added bonus, I’ve lost 10 lbs. and 2 sizes.  Yay!  Time to go shopping!!!!

8. What is your favorite class you take?
I like Training Camp.  I like the strength training and seeing the progress, and I can’t believe I’m saying this….even the conditioning, although grueling at times, helps maintain my stamina.

Want to be a member Highlight? Work hard, Show Up and Push yourself! We notice! Want to nominate somone? Let Joey know via PM!