The first 2-3 rounds will hurt! A ton of reps, but very doable as it gets easier as you go! Between each round you do have some carries and Burpee Variations!
FOCUS: Go heavy on the DB Front Squats if you can!
» Click here for scores/times
» Click here for movement demos
5 Rounds (Reps Decrease)
»10/8/6/4/2 HSPU
»25/20/15/10/5 2 DB Front Rack Squats (50/25)
Between Rounds (Repeat 2x)
»20y Banded Suitcase Carry (70/44)
»3 Burpee Power Swings
RX = Modify to fit your skill/strength.
101 = HRPU -> HSPU
Halfway = Modify 1 Skill or 1 Weight.
Plus = Use prescribed weights, no mods on skills unless listed.
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