We want to take a moment and highlight a member every two weeks who pushes as best as they can at the gym, leads a positive life to those around them, and to those who always go the extra mile.
She was elected this cycle for several reasons: Attendance, work ethic while training and the kicker was when she shot me a text asking “What is the next challenge next month – I need a new goal” the day after we completed our 1000 Swing and Push-up Challenge. Keep it up Shayna! You guys can thank her for the next challenge – she planted a seed in my head! 🙂
1. What got you interested in fitness?
I have always been active from swimming in high school to running to lifting. It makes me feel good!
2. How do you find/make time to get your workouts in?
I workout at 5am when everyone in my house is still asleep. That is the only time I have during a day to fit it in.
3. Do you have a/any tip(s) for newer people who are just getting into workouts?
Stick with it…it gets easier!
4. What is your current workout routine?
I typically take Friday’s off to rest but the rest of the week I am at the gym either doing boot camp, SMS or training camp.
5. What is your favorite part of fitness? Your least favorite?
The feeling when I am done. I feel accomplished….. Burpees, burpees, burpees!!
6. What is your next/current fitness goal?
To get back in to running. I would like to run 2 days a week starting in the fall.
7. How has Burr Strength and Performance helped you on your fitness Journey?
It has brought variety and competition back in to working out. And I have met some great people that inspire me to be better.
Want to be a member Highlight? Work hard, Show Up and Push yourself! We notice! Want to nominate somone? Let Joey know via PM!