
A pretty simple AMRAP - expect quite a few rounds! The pistols will be tough for everyone - Support Options will be available (Either to a box or with rings/trx).
FOCUS: I want excellent form on the pistols - heels flat, only use as much support as you need. Make the pullups as difficult as possible. If you can manage a PURPLE or less band - you are doing banded, otherwise you are on the toe variation. 
  • Coming Soon: MB Slams
  • Coming Soon: Pistols
» Click here for scores/times 

»10 MB Slams (40/25)
»10 Pullups
»10 Alt Pistols

RX = As Is - any challenging weights and best progression.
101 = SUB: Pullups --> Rows // Pistols --> Squats
Halfway = 1 Mod on Weight or Skill
Plus = NO Support on Pistols (1 Plate allowed) // NO Mod on Pullup

[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fj8sdgrCMTawwyGn0M5-uqxn-y4rECNYPM1ldHNxbRI/edit?usp=drivesdk" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]