
17 Years ago today, our Nation suffered a horrible tragedy. Nineteen men hijacked four  US commercial airplanes bound for west coast destinations. A total of 2,977 people were killed in New York City, Washington, DC and outside of Shanksville, Pennsylvania. This workout today will serve as a remembrance to the innocent victims, the men and women who lost their lives in rescue efforts ,and then men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice overseas. Thank you to the families who have served during those time periods and who are still serving. We will be holding a 1 minute of Silence before each workout.
  • Wallball Squats
  • KB Alternating Swings
  • Single Unders
  • Pullups
  • Ring Dips
» Click here for scores/times 
1 Round - No Time Limit - Finish it.
»(Flight) 11 Ring Rows and Pushups
»(Flight)175 Single Unders/Jumping Jacks
»(Flight) 77 KB Deadlifts
»(Flight) 93 Wallball Squats
1 Round - No Time Limit - Finish it.
»(Flight) 11 Pullups and Ring Dips
»(Flight)175 Single Unders
»(Flight) 77 Alt SA KB Swings
»(Flight) 93 Wallball Squats
1 Round - No Time Limit - Finish it.
»(Flight) 11 Bar Muscle Ups
»(Flight)175 Double Unders
»(Flight) 77 Alt SA KB Swings
»(Flight) 93 Wallball Squats
»6 Laps around Turf

[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UpWcDulwF6furN2uQ5kz7gq0SkZHWWK6J1xR6p_sDRE/edit?usp=sharing" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]