Bootcamp Sunday 2/23/20

Warm up stretch:
5L/R 90/90 Arm sweep
5L/R Scorpion
10L/R Bear crawl shoulder taps
10 Roll over to v-sit
20Y Side lunges
20 Knee hug into lunge rotation

COTD: Rest 60s between circuits

Buy in: W/a partner (8 min to complete)
2000m row for time

15min: 5 Rounds:
8 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
20Y Sandbag lunges
5 Dumbbell Burpee + Squat
8 Toes to rings/T2B/Floor leg raises

Remaining time: Pyramid up:
1,2, 3… (Pull ups, push ups, squats)

Buy out: 3:30 min complete
38/48c bike

6-10 Decline push up to toe tap EL (weight oppt)
8 Standing arnold press
12 Banded tricep ext (pause at extension)
6L/R Lung DB curl to press
8L/R Weighted side step ups

Optional: Incorporate into strength:
Banded legs 15L/R
Donkey kicks
Fire hydrants
Lying leg raises
Clam shells