How to: Rowing
Hi! Sorry for the noises! A large class was coming in and we had some snatches going on in the background. Below are some tips and instructions!
Two Phases: Catch and Drive
We actually start in the catch phase but immediately go into the drive phase upon starting – I will try to break it down below.
– Shins should be vertical to ground, try not to go past that!
– Keep your lats and core tight! This is important!
– Push HARD through your heels and drive until your legs are straight. ARMS ARE STRAIGHT BACK IS TIGHT.
– Once your legs lock out, pull your toes to your shin and immediately start pulling the handle to your belly button.
– Make sure you have a very slight lean back with your core engaged as you pull to your belly.
– Straighten arms, then bend knees.
– Return to the original catch phase mentioned above.
– Rowing is not that hard once you have it down, zone out and make it mindless if going for distance.
– If rowing for a short distance, haul ass. As soon as you lock out in full extension, you should be pulling yourself back with those toes/shins!
– You want to drive hard with your legs and finish with your arms.
– Keep the pace consistent.
– Keep your chain as level as possible. A crazy chain = less power.