Monday HIIT 11/4/19

Warm up:
10 Kick throughs
30s Jump rope/Jumping jacks
30s High knees
30s Squats
30s Stationary lunges
30s Push ups

COTD: 20min (Must complete 100 hanging leg raises/leg lifts before end of workout. Can be broken up however you like.)
12/15c Bike
3x (6 Tarzan pull ups, 6 HR push ups)
10 SL Burpees
15/20c Row/Ski

3 Rounds:
10L/R Hammer curls
10 DB Skull crushers
20Y Alligator crawls w/sliders

Core strength: 2-3 Rounds
6L/R Walking plank push ups
15 Hollow rocks
5L/R TGU crunch
20s V-sit hold
40 Mountain climbers