
20m Time Limit – Roll a Dice 3x — A=1
Perform the circuits in the order you roll. If you roll multiple numbers in a roll, keep rolling. You are just rolling for order of circuits.
1/2: 400m Run, 20 HSPU
3/4: 200m Farmer Carry, 30 Double Deadlifts
5/6: Row 300m, 15 Bar Muscle Ups

In House Rules/Info
400m Run: 1 full lap, then 100 yards
20 HSPU: 2x Pads is RX – Head must touch, arms lock out. We will be doing these against the fence outside.
200m Farmer Carry: Down/Back Football Field
30 Double Deadlifts: Using same weight for farmer carry, touch the ground each rep.
Row 300m: Row…. 300…. meters
15 Bar Muscle Ups: Yes… Muscle Ups. We will have adaptations!

HSPU: Pike Pushups
Muscle Ups: Arms Halfway Bent between Straight and Top of pullup – followed by 5x Pullups

New photo by Joey Burr / Google Photos