Row to Run: Add 25m per 100m (300m row, would be a 375m run)
Can’t do Pullups? Use a band, jump, use a mini-bar or revert to Ring Rows
Can’t do Double Unders? 3 Single Unders per Double.
Can’t do a Muscle Up? 3 Bar Pullups and 3 Pushups per Muscle Up
Lunges Kill the knees? First try a backstep lunge. If that still isn’t good, see ‘Knee Problems’ below (aka squat to a box)
Shoulder Problems? Regress to bodyweight movements OR sub for a core movement
Knee Problems? If lunges, see the next sentence. If Squats, revert to the most manageable load/bw box squat (you choose a height) and FULLY relax your lower body (not core) on the box.
Back Problems? If you can move normally but weight bothers you, revert to a body weight movement that is a little more high intensity, such as jump squats or plyo lunges. If you cannot move normally, it’s best to rest and consult a doctor or contact us directly.
Shin Splints? Ride the Row/Ski for the approximite work load: if a 40y sprint, maybe 6-10s; if a 300y run, add 75m and go on the ski/row!
Women who have had kids re: jumping? Some plyo type movements and jumping movements can cause discomfort. We suggest opting for less plyo options or using the per 100m run rule, add 25m to the row or ski!
Women who have had kids re: abs? Any flexion movement should always be turned into a bracing/iso movement. Planks, Banded Single Leg Suitcase Hold (or without band), side planks (from knee) and anything along those lines are great! No situps or leg raises!