Every 2 minutes you must stop and perform a TGU (with perfect form). Move quickily! The TGU could serve as a rest period if you can control your breathing!
FOCUS: Do the best pullup variation you can - I want excellent swings. Be quick on the agility movements and do the TGU perfectly (Pause each step for half a second or so).
» Click here for scores/times
AMRAP 14 - At 0:00 and Every 2 Minutes Stop and Perform 'B'
»10 5y Shuffle Touches
»10 Lateral Step KB Swings (70/44)
»5 Pullups
»5 Burpees
»B: 1 TGU (61/35)
RX = As Is - any challenging weights and best progression.
101 = SUB: Pullups = Rows // TGU = 15 Ab Mats
Halfway = 1 Mod on Weight or Skill
Plus = Weights as is // No mods on skills
[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a6KrcwJ7EFSYzSKIUOs-eoE6rqQPZWACj71Kt_8IdVI/edit?usp=drivesdk" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]