
Single Side Carries and Presses followed by some OH Work with both arms. Move quickly on the carries. If modifying the HSPU, do so by the back fence.
FOCUS: Do the most difficult progression on the HSPU you can manage - 3 pads is better then a pike! As for the carries, keep your core tight and you must keep a front rack position - no shoulder holds!
» Click here for scores/times 

6 Rounds for Time
»10 SA Swings & SA Push Presses, 40y SA KB Front Rack Carry (53/26)
»10 SA Swings & SA Push Presses, 40y SA KB Front Rack Carry (53/26)

RX = As Is - any challenging weights and best progression.
101 = SUB: 20y carry  // Pushups --> HSPU
Halfway = 1 Mod on Weight or Skill
Plus = Weights as is // 1 Pad or Less on HSPU

[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tQFjhf0yzq56Hk83E9BWhSjQGbvcpMPZABNF_gfriVA/edit?usp=drivesdk" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]