Little bit of rope work today! If you can climb the rope, do so! 15 feet is the height of the tallest portion of the rig, don't go higher! If you are not comfortable climbing/can't - you have hand over hands! This is a longer workout so pace!
FOCUS: Keep your legs as straight as possible on the ring rows with the straps being vertical.
» Click here for scores/times
» Click here for movement demos
»10 Box Jump (24/18)
»10 Ring Dips
»40 Double Unders or 120 Singles
»1 15' Rope Climb or 4x3 Hand over Hand Climb
RX = Modify to fit your skill/strength.
101 = 120 -> 60 Jump Ropes
Halfway = Modify 1 Skill or 1 Weight.
Plus = Use prescribed weights, no mods on skills unless listed.
Rope Climbs
Video Coming Soon
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