
A simple ladder – every movement you complete is 1 rep. There are explosive movements, agility movements as well as running. A wide variety of factors will challenge you, be ready! Make sure you lock your hips (squeeze your glutes) with complete elbow lockout on the DB Ground to Overhead and touch the floor between your legs on the ab mats!
18m Time Limit – Ladder Building (3, 6, 9)
Alt DB Ground to OH
Lateral Hops
Alt Lateral MB Passes
Ab Mats
* Between Rounds, 100m Run

15m Time Limit – Ladder Building (2, 4, 6)
KB Deadlift
Triple Steps over Hurdle
Alt Lateral MB Passes
Ab Mats
* Between Rounds, 100m Run

18m Time Limit – Ladder Building (3, 6, 9)
Alt DB Ground to OH (25/45)
Lateral Hops
Alt Lateral MB Passes (25/40)
Ab Mats
* Between Rounds, 100m Run & 3 Ring or Bar Muscle Ups