50 Jacks
5x Toe Touch, Squat, Reach Up, Reach Up, Reverse
5x LR Squat Thoracic Rotations
Objective: Work Capacity & Chassis Integrity
You will move from one movement to the next. No specified rest - you just must complete all within 27m. If you fail to, the remaining points will not be added.
Score Starts at 25 - subtract your time from 25 to get your #.
100m Sprint.
Strength (7m Time Limit)
Score is the total amount of weight you lifted. Women add 25% (divide by .75)
5x Max KB Squat
5x Max SA KB Push Press (Both Arms must match - must start in the front rack)
Endurance (Self Time)
Score starts at 360 - subtract your time, in seconds, to get your #.
1/2 Mile for Time
Every 10 yards = 4/7/10 Points.
Farmer Carry for Distance (35/53/70)(26/35/53)
Start with 30 points - each throw subtract 1 points.
100y Wallball Overhead Toss (14/20/30)(10/14/20)
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