What is Isagnenix?
Isagenix is a health food company that started 16 years ago with the intention to make the best health food products out there with no artificial flavoring, artificial sweeteners, or chemicals. Today they carry products for weight loss, healthy aging, sports performance, and energy. People around the world use these products including many professional and Olympic athletes (who do not get paid to endorse!)
Weight loss
Isagenix offers convenient “packs” of products that work together to optimize your weight loss. However, a pack isn’t always necessary; you find what works for you and get what you need! Typical weight loss programs with Isagenix include shake days and cleanse days.
Shake Days:
On a typical shake day, you replace 2 meals with a shake, have 2 snacks throughout the day, and eat a healthy 400-600 calorie meal for your third meal. This is only during weight loss; as you transition into maintenance only 1 shake a day is necessary. Note: Everyone’s body is different so if you are overweight or extremely active you may need to consume higher amounts at the start. For example, these people may need to consume 2 shakes and 2 meals per day. Isagenix shakes use the cleanest whey protein which is the best type of protein for weight loss and muscle building (healthline.com). The shakes are also full meal replacements- not just protein. They include vitamins, minerals, carbs, and even active enzymes which allow your body to absorb the protein. Many shakes out there will claim “40g” of protein per serving but without the enzymes your body doesn’t absorb all of that.
Cleanse Days: (not a colon cleanse 😊)
Cleanse days are optional but if you can do them you will see much better results in both health and weight loss. Isagenix cleanses are intermittent fasting with nutritional support. You cleanse the cells in your body of toxins and fuel them with the nutrients your body needs to function. Typical juice cleanses or starvation cleanses deprive your body of the nutrients it needs to function, so your body will store fat and as soon as the cleanse is over you will gain it all back. While continuously giving your body nutrients your body skips storing fat- cleans out the bad and lets the good stuff back in! During cleanse days you drink a specially formulated cleanse drink full of vitamins and minerals. You also snack every hour or two on Isagenix snacks and Isagenix chocolates- or you can just have some slices of apple or pear. You have the option to do overnight cleanses, 24-hour cleanses, or 48-hour cleanses. Never do more than 48 hours as it becomes counterproductive at that point. The 48-hour cleanse is optimal for weight loss but not always do-able! After weight loss, during maintenance, you should continue to cleanse to get rid of toxins or to undo a vacation full of food!
Athletic Performance + Energy
The use of performance supplements has grown tremendously in the last few years. Go to any GNC store and you will see the shelves lined with protein, pre-workout, Gatorade, and recovery products. The problem is artificial sweeteners, chemicals, and no nutrition to back it up. Isagenix performance products, again, use natural ingredients and include the nutrients your body needs to utilize the products. Younger and younger kids are getting into sports and using these products. Isagenix products are safe for teens and older. Their products include:
Hydrate: Electrolyte sports drink
Nitro: Informed sport certified pre-workout supplement- energy/strength/focus
NoX: Pre-workout shot that increases blood flow and oxygen delivery to your cells, so your muscles can function efficiently and prevent fatigue
Fuel: mid workout gel that helps sustain endurance during extended or demanding activity
Recover: post workout drink with amino acids to support muscle rebuilding and recovery
E+shot: energy shot made with naturally sourced plant-based caffeine and adaptogens
Healthy Aging
Even if you aren’t looking to lose weight, or don’t use performance products, Isagenix carries nutritional superfoods that keep you healthy and on track. From convenient “to go” protein bars, supplemental greens and fruits, sleep support, vitamins, and even essential oils; you can trust that you are getting clean and nutritious products.
My typical day:
A.M. – Meal replacement shake with an extra shot of protein and 1 scoop of greens
Pre- Workout – Nitro (and NoX on heavier days)
During workout – recover and hydrate
Lunch and dinner- regular meals (also have 2 snacks throughout the day)
**occasionally I have an E+shot before evening sessions**
++I still cleanse 2-4 days a month++
Find what products you like and what works for you! That is the beauty of these products, they are not restricting, and you can make it work for YOUR body. Its just like going to the grocery store!