COVID-19 Update

Happy Friday Everyone!

Let’s discuss COVID-19 again! I know everyone is worried and/or sick of hearing about it everywhere! But its important we stay on top of it and listen to credible sources and stick to the facts!



  • If you’re sick stay home.
  • Wash your hands when you enter and leave the gym.
  • The gym staff is doing their jobs to do regular cleanings PLUS additional sanitization.
  • If you are experience financial hardships – we will make it work to allow you to continue to train per our beliefs on fitness and health.
  • BINGO for the gym with rewards for staying healthy.
  • Community drive for members coming first then Tree of Life will begin tomorrow, Saturday 3/14.
  • We have contingent plans set incase things get worse – whether it be outside workouts or our members taking equipment home with live workout videos for you to do with others.
  • Extended Kid Programs coming soon.


What is the Coronavirus?

Coronavirus, aka “COVID-19,” is believed to spread by inhaling germs from an infected persons sneeze or cough, or from touching an infected surface and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth.


How can I do my part to stop the spread of COVID-19?

It’s pretty easy and something we should all practice with any sickness!

  • Stay home if you have a fever or feel sick.
  • Wash your hands anytime you get home before touching anything.
  • Wash your hands before and after leaving the gym.
  • Avoid touching your face, nose or mouth.
  • Limit your social scene.
  • If you have an immune deficiency or cardiac disorder or 60 years or older – we ask you to be aware of this virus and take it into serious consideration. We will welcome you into our gym to train, however we ask you to take care of yourself as well.


What is Burr Strength doing to keep the members and staff safe?

  • We are doubling up on our cleaning procedures! At the end of each shift, we are sanitizing all the equipment used as well as commonly touched areas.
  • We ask you to please clean your equipment, like usual, before putting it away.
  • We are also asking you to wash your hands before and after you leave the gym.
  • If things begin to get worse to keep you safe, we will be more classes as well as home workout options. Luckily it is beginning to be nice outside and we can take a lot of our fitness outside! We still want you to be able to get your fit on while being safe!


If you have a fever, dry cough or feeling sick in general we ask you to stay away for 7-14 days. The gym will provide you equipment to train at home!



The gym will be sponsoring a member-wide bingo event starting Monday. We will be running weekly games – taking the first 5 members each week to complete their bingo sheet.

It will include attending certain workouts, doing things at home, and several other health/nutrition ideas. Stay tuned!


I am financially affected by this – how do we proceed?

My first belief is that anyone who wants to train can train – and that will continue. If you are a current member and experience financial hardships – do not worry. Your membership is still active even if you need to set it on hold.

If you are in a financial situation where you can’t pay – we are asking you to understand the new policy.

  1. If you need your money back ASAP – it will be done.
  2. If you are affected with a financial hardship but do not need the money back immediately – we ask you to let it go through. We will set up a credit system that will give people back their refunds in a systemic order to let the gym to stay open, function, and remain strong after this passes.


Our Community Effort

We will be collecting non-perishables to donate to our members as well as those in our community in need. The next time you are in the store – grab an extra can of beans or container of ibuprofen or anything else you would think would be critical.

Starting Saturday – we will have a collection zone in the gym. We will be sending goods to our members first based on their needs followed by to the Tree of Life.


We are looking at adding mid-day coverage for your kids.

If we receive enough feedback – we are looking at creating a 1-3 hour program for your kids during the day. Details by Sunday.


What if things get worse?

As stated above – we want our members to be able to be safe and continue their fitness goals.

  1. We will begin to cut certain classes out temporarily to allow the gym to save money but open certain classes up to everyone.
  2. We will lower class sizes but allow free access to any class time and let the coaches abuse outside workouts coached by us.
  3. If worse, We will move towards outside workouts and at home workouts with equipment loaned from our gym.

Please remember – our staff and the gym require their paychecks to come through to eat and pay their bills. We ask you to understand this and follow our new financial policy as stated above. We want you and your families to remain safe and we are offering anyways to make this work for us all.


Burr Strength will be reaching out to local businesses to get on the same page to help OUR community.

If you have any questions, Please contact Joey at