3 Hand over Hand Pulls
10 Back Step Lunges
:30s Bikes
2m to complete all sections - :45s to rotate. During your rotation, it is your job to set up your station.
If you finish A early, you rest. (And get 5 Points).
Each (b) HoH Pull and Reset is 2 Points (1 for the pull, 1 for the carry).
Each Round Completed for C is 1 Point. You will pick up where you left off exactly on Round C. 3x Through everything.
A: 2m to complete
» 25/18 Bike (10/25/45)(5/10/25)
» Rope HoH Pulls (35/63/80)(26/44/54)
C: 2m Ladder (Continuous)
» 2,4,6 ... PB Diagonal Pushup Switches
» 2,4,6... Plate Walking Lunges (10/25/45)(5/10/25)
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[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GVAJk3ImdrciB4RIV0zHHqxwBlIhPsIphdRx13WMaf0/edit?usp=sharing" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]