Todays workout is going to challenge you mentally. Prepare.
Complete and set up your station in 5m:

Take time to practice:
Sandbag Get-Ups (With hands)
Burpee Pullups
Burpee Box Jumps

This is BSP Fitness Challenge Week 2 - Toughness.

This workout will test how tough you are - how far you can push yourself. Not only will this test your Overall fitness, but those who can endure pain longer will get a higher score.

ASS BIKE: You will remain on the bike until the calorie counter reaches the current amount. You cannot remove hands or feet from pedal until it rolls over.

SANDBAG GET UP: With a sandbag on your shoulder, stand-up. You MAY use your hands to get up and get down. Legs must start straight and end straight each rep.

BURPEE PULLUP: Burpee with chest to floor, stand up, Jump and perform a pullup. Depending on your fitness level, you will be able to add height to the bar. See the workout for details.

BURPEE PULLUP: Burpee with chest to floor, stand up, Jump (no stepping unless knee injury) onto a box and stand up all the way before stepping down.

Every completion of the bike is 1 point. Every completion of 2 stand ups is 1 point (2 points per round of A)
Every burpee pullup is 1 point.
Every burpee box jump is 1 point.

L1: As Is
L2: Add .1 for each round of get-ups.
L3: Add .2 for each round of get-ups.
** If you do NOT match L2 or L3 for part B, you do NOT get the extra points.

:30s transition between A and (B1&B2). No transition between B1 & B2.
4 Rounds

»10/8c Ass Bike
»2 Sandbag Get-Ups (50/80/100)(20/40/60)

B (Phase 1): 1.5m AMRAP
»Burpee Pull-Up (Mid Fore Arm/Palm Touch/Outside Reach)

B (Phase 2): 1.5m AMRAP
»Burpee Box Jump (12/18/24")

[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_5zYy2H38onl-3FErTfBoWuQdKZYIhJxnzplDcui2Yg/edit?usp=sharing" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]