50 Jacks
5x Toe Touch, Squat, Reach Up, Reach Up, Reverse
5x LR Squat Thoracic Rotations
Objective: Work Capacity & Chasis Integrity
3 Rounds: A: 3min, Rest :45s, B: 3min, Rest :45s
A -
Cals Row
B - AMRAP (Pick up where you left off each round)
40y L Sandbag Shoulder Carry (60/80/100)(20/40/60)
5 Burpees
40y R Sandbag Shoulder Carry (60/80/100)(20/40/60)
5 Burpees
40y Sandbag Front Carry (60/80/100)(20/40/60)
5 Burpees
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