3/29/19 – WCE19

High Knees
Ring Rows

Objective: Work Capacity / Endurance

3 Rounds Each, :30s Transition
A - 2.5m
Run with Rope 60y
Hook KB to Rope then
AMRAP HOH 10y Pulls (35/54/80)(26/35/54)
B - 2.5m
Vertical Push (9 Pushup/6 Pike/3 HSPU)
10 WB Squats

After 4 Rounds Each, Rest :45s then:

C - 7m Cap
Full Field Suicide Run (GL to 10 to GL, GL to 20 to GL, etc)

[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qhITWMRYKs0T8RDU-XGLsKUBm0jhc4_4SApIjI83v9k/edit?usp=sharing" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]