3/2/19 – INTERVALS

Interval Sprints!
3x through this warm-up.
5 2KB Deadlifts
:30s Ass Bike
2x MB Rotational Passes

Your goal is to get as many rounds as possible in 20m - if it takes you :60s to do this circuit, you may rest 1/2 to 1x the amount of time it took you.

1:1/2 or 1 Work Rest - AMRAP 20m
»10 2KB Deadlifts (35/53/70)(26/35/55)
»15/11cal Ass Bike
»3 LR WB Rotational Pass (10/14/20)
»5 Burpees

[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eN5kSQzl7A0EhG-Xu6vLUQCLgbgJRR0ivphYPLFSGOE/edit?usp=sharing" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]