:30s Row Intervals 6m

Objective: Strength Capacity & Work Capacity


NOTE: Coaches know your Strength. We will be making sure you are using the best weight for your ability and not short changing. Being STRONG is an advantage to this workout!
Sandbag (1/1.5/4)
KB (Points are the TOTAL amount you lifted)
Pullups (1/1.5/4)
Pushups (1/2/4)
*Must go down on toes, up on knees if Strength is a factor.


Sandbag: You must pick the bag up, release the bag on the box.
KB Clean and Squat: Depth is a REQUIREMENT. You must be hitting depth to a wallball unless a limitation is involved.
Pullups: Arms must go straight and chin above bar. Kipping is cool (no butterflies). If you let go of the bar or hang longer then 5s you are done.
Pushups: Everyone must go DOWN on their toes - if mods are needed due to strength (L1 only) you can do your knees. L2 and L3 must be done 100% on toes.

You have 13m to Establish all of the following - move FAST.
AMRAP 90s: Sandbag 36" Box Load (40/80/150)(30/60/100)
3min Cap: Establish a 2 KB Clean and 3 Squat Max
AMRAP Failure: Max Pullups (Mini Bar/Purple Band/BW)
AMRAP 120s: Max Pushups

E: Cals Ass Bike

O: 15 MB Slams (20/30/40)(10/20/30)

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