2018 was fantastic! We grew tremendously as a gym – with total amount of area, equipment, results and financially! We are practically set to look for a larger location in 2019. We have our eyes on a few but we want to ride out our current lease a little longer. All thanks to you all!
Please remember to sign up for classes 24 hours before! (www.burrstrength.com)
If we are worth it, make sure you vote for us in Best of Loudoun under Best Gym, Best Personal Trainer and Best Group Instructor! (https://www.loudountimes.com/best/#/gallery?group=300891)
We have an amazing set of Trainers – Thank you Kelsey, Gina, John and Courtney for everything you do! I could NOT do this alone and all the members truly appreciate the hard work and dedication you put in for us.
We have an amazing set of Members – Everyone comes in and works HARD and we learn while training! Everyone helps out others and we are an amazing support system and family for each other. I appreciate everyone working hard and learning!
With 2019 coming up, we have some small changes/outlooks coming!
- Nutrition Revamped – we will be taking a hard look at nutrition within the 1st quarter of 2019. We will have 2 dedicated personel who will be helping you guys with that with the current program we have! All FREE for you guys!
- Adding in some classes!
- 4pm Bootcamp on Saturdays
- 4pm KB/Boxing on Sundays
- 5pm AD for both Middle and High School Students as a 3rd option or for makeups.
- We are looking at potential NEW TC time frames. No promise.
- Dedicated WIFI at the gym for users to use
- Improved Training Camp Personalization
- We already have 1-3 coaches during all TCs – we are looking at adding in customized plans at no additional cost to you. We will be releasing Generic plans such as ‘Firefighter’ or ‘Squat Builder’ or ‘Knee Injury’ type workouts that you would follow in replacment of our Strength Portion.
- Monthly Get-togethers re-introduced
- Doggy Play Time Every 1-2 months for those with pups
- Monthly Seminars on Skills FREE for members
- Online Training for those away being introduced
- Stream lined Application for Phones
Thanks for everything!