Very fast paced work! We want your heart up already when we start! 2x through this warm-up.
:30s Ass Bike
5 Wallball
3 LR KB Clean
3 LR KB Swing
One Partner will do A, the other will do B. You will record how FAST you did each workout. Your goal is to BEAT your opponent on the SAME workout. (A to A, B to B). You will have 2m to complete A and 2m to Complete B with a :45s transition. You will do 4 rounds of A and B. Each time you beat your opponent in distance or time, you gain 1 point.
A: Bikes and WB for Time
»10/8 Ass Bike
»6 Wallball (14/20/30)(10/14/20)
»8/6 Ass Bike
»4 Wallball (14/20/30)(10/14/20)
»6/5 Ass Bike
»2 Wallball(14/20/30)(10/14/20)
B: KB Complex for Time
»5 LR 1KB: Clean, Swing, Clean, Press
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[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17kW85VobGGn0DJcYRIYkLN7YmLfRnIP2NrI8AtIPIJw/edit?usp=sharing" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]