
003 - WEEK 5 - Main Work
Warmup (2-3 sets) then 5/3/1+ at prescribed weight.

WARMUP - 1-2 Rounds
» 10 Lunge with Lean away from knee
» 10 Bar Hollow Rocks
» Conditioning Practice

Lower Assistance
»8-15 GHD
then pick either
»L1: 6-10 Goblet Split Squat
»L2: 6-10 SA OH Split Squat

if time allows, finish up with AMRAP
»C: 10 Slow Mountain Climbers
»S: 3-5 Pistol Squat Variations

Upper Assistance
»8-15 DB Row
then pick either
»L1: 6-10 Pullups & Dips
»L2: 3-5 Bar Muscle Ups

if time allows, finish up with AMRAP
»:30s Plank (# if possible)
»10-30 HSPU Shoulder Tap Variations