Pre-Fatigue run with some work mixed in to be comleted in any fashion. Think about your strengths and weaknesses here!
FOCUS: A perfect TGU - do not skip any steps.
Member(s) in Image: Pete, Melinda, Kathryn, Stacy, Joey
» Click here for scores/times
» Click here for movement demos
1 Round
»Run 600y
Then in any fashion
»30 Power Wallball Chest Pass (20/14)
»30 Burpees
»150 Double Unders or 450 Single Unders
»10 TGU (54/26)
RX = Scale to your skill level!
101 = 600m Run -> Row // TGU -> 30 Ab Mats
Halfway = Modify 1 skill OR 1 weight.
Plus = Do as is with plus weights without modifying skills unless noted.
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