
4 Rounds followed by 1 longer round! Use those 3 rounds to perfect the movements! Keep in mind however there is an overall time limit!
FOCUS: Perfect everything. SU =1, DU =3.
Member(s) in Image: Josh, Carla, Eileen
» Click here for scores/times 
» Click here for movement demos

22m TOTAL Time Limit
4 Rounds

»25 DU OR 100 SU
»25 Ab Mats
»25 Wallball Squats

Rest 2m

1 Round for Time: (+ does 75 reps unpartitioned)
»50 DU OR 150 SU
»50 Ab Mats
»50 Wallball Squats

RX = Scale to your skill level!
101 = Ropes ->  Jacks
Halfway = Modify 1 skill OR 1 weight.
Plus = Do as is with plus weights without modifying skills unless noted.

[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PkJE5dFp2OeqectUkrcBvR_wzVan8nWxFFw5G43GR4k/edit?usp=drivesdk" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]