» :60s Calves & Box Hamstrings
» 20 Wall Slides
» 50 Face Pulls
Chase your partner! Catch your partner and earn a catch point! Chasers start :7s late. You and your partner will switch who the chaser is and who is being chased. Avoid being caught and earn an avoid point!
6 Rounds Total (3 Chaser/3 Chasee)
AMRAP 3m - :45s Rest
»15 Wallball Squats
»10 Pushup Shoulder Taps
»5 L/R KB Cleans (26/35/53)(18/26/35)
»5 Burpees
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[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_C24fvR1OMw-JXm4bms4RzUBNQ2rIjWXZCdyJ6nA3C8/edit?usp=drivesdk" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]