» :60s Calves & Box Hamstrings
» 20 Wall Slides
» 50 Face Pulls
2m per Round - :30s rest. 4 Rounds Each.
Scenario - You are on a boat that will sink unles you must move heavy luggage from one side of the boat to the other while navigating obstacles to try and balance the boat! The engine is also failing and needs manual work to keep it going!
A (Luggage Moving)
»Bag Pickup & Carry 20y(60/80/100)(40/60/80)
*At the 10y mark, you must get your bag over the box!
B (Manual Boat Engine & Coal Shoveling)
»8/6 Ass Bike
»20 Russian Twists (14/20/30)(10/14/20)
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[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tMKficfMNS4_mxLJmqYM-2ZUINjsspy2uQJfPrB28tE/edit?usp=drivesdk" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]