1/16/19 – This then That

» :30s Lats & Thoracic
» 10 Roll Over to V-Sit
» 10 Groiners

First do A
3 Rounds
»5 LR PB Lateral Hop and Around
»Rope Climb Variations (6 HOH/2x15'/1x24')

Then do B
3 Rounds
»15 Wall Balls (14/20/30)(10/14/20)
»Jump Rope Variations (80 Jacks/60 SU/20 DU)

Finally do C
3 Rounds
»15/12 Ass Bike Cals
»10 Burpees

Kidding - 1 more
3 Rounds
»30 Pushups
»10 Box Jumps (12/18/24)

[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Pwh9weHGnhD-XeyBdgBfmXz-78_e9c6NeOrGHS5_5DM/edit?usp=drivesdk" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]