1/14/19 – INTERVALS

» :30s Lats & Thoracic
» 10 Roll Over to V-Sit
» 10 Groiners

You may work during the work period but must rest during the rest period. Max Time of 20m. 40s on, 20s off.
3 Rounds

»5 MU or 10 Box MU or 10 Pullups/Pushups
»10 KB Snatch (26/35/44)(18/26/35)
»15/12 Ass Bike Cals
»10 KB Snatch (26/35/44)(18/26/35)
»25 Ab Mats

[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E3wCUHYx_3VnNqUvW32lw1wNOHgqdkkoUjhrX0EuOxs/edit?usp=drivesdk" use_cache="no" datatables_page_length="50"]